aWound.com is created by Dr. Ray. He has had long experience in clinical, academic medicine as well as over 15 years of wound care experience.

His vision is to provide wound care expertise and proper wound care to any patient, anywhere in the world through telemedicine.

I believe there is a major need for modern wound care and expertise. We can provide it to anyone throughout the world, and all continents. A wound care without any border! (Dr. Ray)

If anyone has a wound which is stuboorn and not healing then can contact us and schedule a consultation. South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, anywhere in the world, may just take easy steps and request a consultation.

If your physician plans to refer you to a wound care, then we are available to offer consultation and give recommendations to your physician.


A Message From the Chief Medical Officer:

Over the recent years, the wound care has been evolutionized. Instead of costly surgical grafting, and repeated surgical debridements which proved no superiority, we developed non-surgical approach, combining comprehensive medical approach, avoiding further damage to the wounds, yet utilizing non-surgical laboratory produced from stem cells grafting. 

Lack of immediate access to wound care expert has been a major struggle for wound patients with non-healing wounds even in a large metropolitan urban environment. In rural area the access to wound healing experts, may need hours of road trip. 

We have founded a platform for every patient suffering from non-healing wounds. If you are at home and a stubborn wound(s) not going away, if you are taking care of patients with chronic non-healing wounds in aassisted living, group or nursing homes or hospitals then we can help. 

Through easy steps of providing medical history, the American Board Certified Wound Healing Experts can initiate a consultation through email, phone and video platform. 

We can help to establish a treatment plan for treating the wounds, and if necessary, create a follow up consultations through remote access telemedicine. 

Wound care expert available to you and your patients anytime anywhere. 


Dr. Ray, MD, FAPWCA (Fellow of American Professionals Wound Care Association), Certified in COMET.


Fill out the questionnaire and provide us with information about the wound(s).

Step 1:

Fill out the Questionnaire:

Start a Wound Care Consultation